Dovetail Inc. considers the protection of our customers’ personal information to be a vital responsibility and has established the following personal information protection policy based on this philosophy. We are committed to its implementation and ongoing improvement.
1. Personal Information Protection Policy
1.1 Acquisition and Use of Personal Information
We acquire personal information (including “Individual Number” [also known as “My Number”] and specific personal information as defined by the “Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in Administrative Procedures”) by appropriate and fair means within the scope necessary for our business activities. We use this information only within the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes.
1.2 Management of Personal Information
We take appropriate security management measures to ensure the accuracy and up-to-dateness of personal information and prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage.
1.3 Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Except as required by law, we do not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the person, and only within the scope necessary to achieve the intended purposes.
1.4 Compliance with Laws and Standards
We comply with laws and guidelines related to the protection of personal information, as well as other standards established by the government.
1.5 Continuous Improvement
We continuously improve and enhance our procedures for protection of all personal information.
Inquiries Regarding Personal Information
For inquiries or consultations regarding the handling of personal information, please contact our customer consultation center. If you wish to disclose, correct, or suspend the use of your personal information, we will aim to respond within a reasonable period.
Contact Information
Continuous Improvement of the Personal Information Protection Management System
We will continuously review and improve the ‘Personal Information Protection Management System’ in response to changes in our business content, the social environment, the technological sphere, and amendments to relevant legislation.
Enacted on June 3, 2024
2. Privacy Policy
The Dovetail Privacy Policy (this Privacy Policy) explains our approach to personal information and how we handle it. When customers provide us with personal information, this Privacy Policy will apply.
2.1 Acquisition and Purpose of Use of Personal Information
We may acquire personal information such as addresses, names, postal codes, phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses, various IT messaging tool IDs, and workplace details from registration forms or inquiry/request forms for the following purposes. We will only use the personal information obtained for the purposes listed below and will not use it for other purposes. Please note that providing personal information is completely voluntary, but some services may not be available if it is not provided.
Purpose of Use of Personal Information:
Types of Personal Information: Customer Information
Purpose of Use:
- For activities related to our business (real estate sales business, real estate brokerage business, real estate rental/management business, etc.) concerning products, information, and services.
- To provide information on administrative procedures related to contracts.
- To ask for feedback (such as customer satisfaction surveys) regarding our transactions.
- To respond to inquiries, consultations, and applications from customers, and to make necessary communications.
- For business activities involving information provision on products, information, and services related to moving and living by our partner companies.
- For business activities via mail, email, newsletters, phone, etc., regarding the above purposes.
- To improve the quality of service (relating to our real estate: sales business, brokerage business, rental/management business, etc.), and to conduct customer trend surveys and analysis for the planning and development of new services.
Personal Information Properly Acquired from the Real Estate Registry (Public Information)
Purpose of Use:
- For information related to our business (real estate sales business, real estate brokerage business, real estate rental/management business, etc.)
Purpose of Use of Personal Numbers and Specific Personal Information: Types of Personal Information: Client Information
Purpose of Use:
- For administrative operations related to “Payment records for remuneration, fees, contract money, and prize money”
- For administrative operations related to “Payment records for real estate usage fees, etc.”
- For administrative operations related to “Payment records for the purchase price of real estate, etc.”
- For administrative operations related to “Payment records for brokerage fees for the sale or lease of real estate, etc.”
- For administrative affairs related to other matters stipulated by law (in which case, we will notify or disclose the specific purpose to the individual)
2.2 Management of Personal Information
We protect our customers’ personal information and ensure it is used in accordance with the customers’ intentions. We take all necessary measures to prevent data loss, misuse, unauthorized use, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. We take the utmost care in protecting customer information both online and offline. Customer personal information is managed in a database accessible only to authorized employees, such as: site administrators, user support departments, and information systems departments. Employees are well educated on the importance of privacy protection and the handling of information.
We implement the following security management measures for the protection of personal information:
(1) Establishing procedures for handling personal data (including personal information to be acquired, which will also be applied to further security management measures hereinafter)
- Developing regulations for handling personal information that stipulate handling methods, responsible persons, and their duties, etc.
(2) Organizational security management measures
- Appointing a responsible person (personal information protection manager) for handling personal data
- Establishing a system for reporting to the personal information protection manager if any violation of laws or internal regulations is found
- Regularly conducting self-inspections and audits by other departments on the handling of personal information
(3) Security management measures pertaining to employees
- Providing regular training to employees on handling personal information
- Including confidentiality clauses related to personal information in work regulations
(4) Physical security management measures
- Implementing measures to prevent theft or loss of: devices, digital media, and documents handling personal information
- Managing the physical access of employees in areas where personal information is handled
(5) Technical security management measures
- Implementing access control to limit the scope of personal information handled and the personnel responsible
- Implementing systems to protect information systems that handle personal information from unauthorized external access or software
2.3 Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
Except as required by law and this Privacy Policy, we do not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the customer.
The country of the server location storing the personal information
2.4 About Cookies, etc.
Cookies are pieces of information stored in your web browser when you visit a website. We use cookies or similar technologies (collectively referred to as “cookies”) to obtain information such as your browsing history on our website. We may analyze this information and use it for the purposes listed below, as well as to enhance the services we may be able to provide to you. Please note that you can disable cookies through your web browser settings, but doing so may make some or all parts of our website or services unavailable.
Purpose of Use:
- To statistically analyze customers’ browsing history on our website
- To customize the display information to enhance user experience and improve the utility of our website
- To deliver advertisements tailored to customers’ attributes and preferences
- In delivering advertisements, we may provide the information obtained from cookies and data analysis to companies we commission for such purposes
2.5 About Log Files
Log files are files that chronologically record and store information such as customers’ browsing history. We obtain information such as IP addresses, browser types, referring URLs, and time from log files on our website. We may analyze this information and use it for the purposes listed below. Please note that information obtained from log files is not reflected in your personal records.
Purpose of Use:
- To statistically analyze customers’ browsing history on our website
- To understand customer trends and improve user experience
2.6 About Image Files
Image files are digital files of still images. We obtain information from image files on our website. We may analyze this information and use it for the purposes listed below. Please note that information obtained from image files is used only for statistical purposes.
Purpose of Use:
- To count the number of accesses on our website
- To analyze the usage status of our website
2.7 About Links
This Privacy Policy applies only to information acquired by our company. Our website contains links to other sites, but we are not responsible for the handling of privacy information on other sites and bear no responsibility as such. We recommend that you conduct due diligence regarding the privacy policies of the linked sites.
2.8 About Pseudonymized Information and Anonymized Information
Pseudonymized Information
We create pseudonymized information that cannot be used to identify customers unless it is combined with other information, and may use it for purposes such as the development of new products and services. We take measures to ensure the security management of such information.
Anonymized Information
We create anonymized information that cannot be used to identify customers, and may provide it to third parties. We take measures to ensure the security management of such information.
We may provide anonymized processed information to third parties
In addition, we use cookies provided by Google Inc. to automatically receive and analyze user information from users’ browsers and applications, including information such as pages used by users, usage environment, and action history on advertisers’ sites and sites that are linked to the Service with cookies.
As a means of optimizing advertisements, we use cookies, etc. to deliver “our own local advertising” that display advertisements relevant to the interests of our users within our services.
2.9 Provision of Information to Third Parties in Foreign Countries
Systems for Personal Information Protection in Foreign Countries
For details on personal information protection systems in foreign countries, please check the URL below:
*Personal Information Protection Commission “Survey on Systems for the Protection of Personal Information in Foreign Countries”
Measures for Personal Information Protection by Third Parties
The entrusted companies take all measures corresponding to the eight principles of the OECD Privacy Guidelines (1. Collection Limitation (obtained by appropriate methods), 2. Data Quality (data accuracy and currency), 3. Purpose Specification, 4. Use Limitation (prohibition of use beyond the purpose), 5. Security Safeguards, 6. Openness (clarity of purpose of use), 7. Individual Participation (procedures such as disclosure requests, corrections, etc.), 8. Accountability (responsibility within Dovetail Corporation).
2.10 Continuous Improvement of Personal Information Protection Management System
We continuously review and improve the ‘Personal Information Protection Management System’ in response to changes in the social environment, the technological sphere, and amendments to relevant legislation. This Privacy Policy will be revised as necessary based on these improvements and any changes made will be announced on our website.
2.11 Requests for Disclosure of Personal Information
We respond to requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, and notification of purpose of use (hereinafter referred to as “disclosure, etc.”) regarding customers’ personal information held by us. For requests on disclosure, etc., please contact us via email or phone.
Contact Information
Procedure for Disclosure, etc.
- We will respond after confirming the identity of the customer. Please note that we may not be able to respond to requests if the identification is insufficient.
- We may charge a fee for disclosing personal information, depending on the details of the request.
3. Customer Contact Center
For inquiries, complaints, or consultations regarding our handling of personal information, please contact the customer contact center below.
Contact Information
Privacy Policy Revision Date Revised on June 3, 2024